Building evidence, conversation and understanding about the WebRTC community

  • mo_1392038395_540x540

    Movirtu, WebRTC & helping operators manage the OTT threat

    Note: in the diagram above, “VoIP”=WebRTC (…..and of course, in general WebRTC=VoIP, although this might need an entirely separate post) Earlier this month,…

  • StateofNation

    State of the WebRTC Nation

    In October/November last year we rolled-out a survey of companies that are active in the WebRTC space and asked for their perspectives on WebRTC and the impact it might have on…

  • DrumHome

    Drum: An Interview with the CEO

    Drum is one of several WebRTC based conferencing sites that have been brought to market in 2013. However, this one is slightly different. For one thing, Drum has been developed by…


    Mini-Briefing: WebRTC v SIP

    There’s a lot of talk about SIP v WebRTC – maybe too much talk. It’s questionable to what extent I can add to the debate. But for those of you who haven’t read thoroughly…

  • SDK image

    Enabling a new developer community?

    WebRTC is a rare example of a true enabling technology. It will facilitate innovation and pave the way for disruptive new business models.  It will also be used to drive radical…

  • WebRTC on Smart TV soon?

    Android and WebRTC on the Telly?

    Doug Pelton is CEO of Priologic, the company behind EasyRTC. He provided some interesting perspectives on WebRTC yesterday when interviewed at the WebRTC Conference and Expo in…

  • AndroidRealTime

    TokBox Goes Mobile

    We pondered the question in yesterday’s post about how the mobile world might adjust itself to the dawning of the age of WebRTC. It would seem unlikely (but not impossible)…

  • KickOff

    WebRTC Insights Kick-Off Survey

    We’re kicking off our new WebRTC Insights portal with a survey designed for people who are involved in the WebRTC ecosystem. Findings from the short survey will be featured…

    WebRTC Trailblazers

    More companies are being attracted to WebRTC – developing apps, creating solutions. We would like to know about the companies doing the most interesting things so…

    Source: Dialogic

    WebRTC Codec Wars

    Hot on the heels of Cisco’s announcement that it would make available an open source version of its H.264 codec, Dialogic has published the results of…

    Free Video for Devs

    Cisco has been making some minor ripples in developer circles by offering up its H.264 codec as open source. For those readers not too familiar with…

    WebRTC: Native or Not?

    The WebRTC focus, to date, has been on the browser. Early implementations of the technology have utilized the large, pervasive base of WebRTC enabled browsers. But…

    It’s early days…

    WebRTC Insights is new community thought partnership program by Quadriga Consulting Ltd. We specialise in building evidence around new technology products and markets. We created QtInsights…


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